Becoming like Jesus




The Discipleship Pathway is a framework for discipleship and spiritual formation within our church. It consists of four structural elements: gatherings, community, courses, and service.

Far from being a burdensome requirement, the Pathway is an invitation to move deeper into the life of our church and experience the blessings of following Jesus, together.

  • Sundays | Sunday gatherings are the primary way we gather as a church to worship, pray together, hear from God's Word, and receive the gift of the Lord's Supper. Find more info here.

    Members Meetings | Members meetings are quarterly gatherings where we celebrate what God is doing in our midst, welcome new members, share ministry updates, enjoy fellowship with one another, and more!

    Prayer Meetings | Prayer meetings are informal small-group gatherings where we pray for our city, church, and any pressing needs.

  • Covenant Membership | Covenant membership is the way we express our vested commitment to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ in the local church. We welcome new members every quarter. To begin the membership process, sign up here.

    Community Groups | Community groups are small gatherings of 5-10 adults (plus children) that give us time and space to enjoy table fellowship, gospel conversation, and prayerful dependence on God. Sign up to find a group here.

    Men's & Women's Breakfasts | Men's and women's breakfasts are informal monthly gatherings. We share a potluck-style breakfast, read from Scripture, and reflect on what the Lord is doing in our lives. Follow our social media page for dates and times.

  • Welcome to Trinity | New to Trinity? Join us for an informal 45-minute course to learn about our church. We cover Trinity's mission and vision, how to get involved, and any questions you might have. Look forward to this course at the beginning of every quarter!

    Equip Nights | Equip Nights are teaching-centric gatherings focused on specific aspects of our discipleship to Jesus.

  • Serve the Church | (Members-Only) We desire to follow Jesus's example: "The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mt 20:28). At Trinity, we have three ways you can serve:

    1. Hospitality Team: extend the welcome of Christ as people arrive on Sundays by preparing coffee/tea, setting up the space, and greeting those who arrive!

    2. Production Team: extend the clarity of Christ by preparing audio/visual equipment for the worship team and preacher.

    3. Worship Team: extend the glory of Christ by using your God-given skills to sing "songs, hymns, and spiritual songs" (Eph 5:19).

    Serve the City | Our God is on a restorative, sinner-saving mission in the world through us, and so we desire to be the light of Christ in our city. Follow us on social media to find out ways to serve with us!

Guiding Values

Our guiding values shape every element of the Discipleship Pathway. Upon cultivation in the local church, these values lead disciples of Jesus toward greater spiritual wholeness and greater maturity in the faith. Each are integral to the life of our church.

  • The Bible is central to the Christian life. It is the daily bread that sustains our life with God. As Jesus said, "Man does not live by bread alone but by every word from the mouth of God" (Mt 4:4).

    We seek to create environments where the Bible is taught, learned, and treasured. Through preaching, teaching, and Bible study, our desire is to equip every believer for a lifetime of enjoying God and God's Word.

  • Everyone is a theologian.

    Put differently, we all carry with us a view of what God is (or is not) like. For better or worse, that view of God shapes every aspect of our lives. At Trinity, we want be good theologians—people who know God as He truly is.

    Thus, we seek to create environments where believers at every stage of their discipleship journey are equipped to know God deeply.

  • Everyone is being spiritual formed toward particular ends. At Trinity, the great end of our spiritual formation is Jesus Christ himself.

    Thus, we dedicate time throughout the year to focus our attention on the biblical and spiritual disciplines (or habits) that shape us toward that end. From prayer and fasting to community and Sabbath, we want the teachings of Jesus and Scripture to shape us deeply—heart, soul, mind, and strength.

“As you received Christ Jesus the

Lord, so walk in him, rooted and

built up in him and established in

the faith.” -Colossians 2:6