Our story
The Beginning
In late 2020, a group of 10 people (then members of Emmaus Church) began meeting regularly in homes across the city to pray about being sent out to start a new church in Kansas City.
Over the next two years, the group of 10 grew to 27 adults (alongside many children) and formed two small groups, which quickly spilled over into three groups. They began holding worship and teaching nights in a member’s backyard in August of 2022, which led to worship gatherings at a local bakery in November. At these gatherings, church planting pastor Drake Burrows and others charted Trinity’s vision, mission and core values. As time went on, God brought together a growing body of believers (both new and old) around Jesus, the Scriptures, and a common mission—to plant Trinity Church.
The Launch
On April 9th of 2023, Easter Sunday, we launched our first Sunday Gathering. It was an exciting day as family, friends, and neighbors gathered to worship, hear the good news of the resurrection, and celebrate God’s work in our midst.
The Future
Ultimately, Trinity’s story is but one small thread in the beautiful tapestry of God’s saving work in our city. We are excited and hopeful for the days ahead, and we invite you to join us as we commit to following the Way of Jesus together.
“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gave the growth.”
-1 Corinthians 3:6-7