Sunday Gatherings

Sunday gatherings are the primary way we gather as a church family to worship God and respond to His gospel of grace.

Community Groups

Community Groups are mid-week gatherings that give us time and space to practice the way of Jesus together.

Covenant Membership

Covenant membership is a tangible expression of our love and commitment to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Visit a Community Group

Our community groups meet in homes across the city every Wednesday from 6:00-8:00pm. We share a meal, enjoy conversation, and pray for one another. Fill out the form below and we’ll get you in touch with a group leader near you.

Membership Process

The pathway to church membership is simple.

1. Chat With a Pastor — this gives us the opportunity to hear your story (often over a meal, coffee or tea) and provides you with time and space to ask any questions you might have.

2. Complete a Brief Questionnaire — this includes three simple questions about the Gospel, your personal faith in Christ, and the ordinance of baptism.

3. Celebrate with the Church — the final step in the membership process (after affirming the statement of faith and signing the church covenant) is wrapped up in one word: CELEBRATE! We love getting to opportunity to welcome new church members into our church family, which happens at our quarterly member meetings.

Ready to begin the process? If so, please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch!